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XH Instant Issuance Solution

Release Time:2017-8-17 0:48:40

As a bank branch manager, what concerns you  most for new card issuance?

Slow & Costly

It take daysfor delivery, a lot of effort for new card mailing, which increase customer service cost;

Bad Customer Experience

There're possibility of card lost or stolen during delivery, which lead to bad customer experience;

Low Efficient 

The period for customer to get and activate new card is too long, which slow down customer acquisition process.

The XH Instant Issuance System(IIS) allows your branch to instantly personalize andissue payment cards in real time with following benefit:

Less Cost

Logistics,stationery and customer service costs are significantly reduced.

Better Experience

By simplifying the card issuance and activation process, the IIS improves the customers overall experience.

More Revenue

Faster customer onboarding leads to faster revenue generation for banks.