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XH won the bid for the South African social security card project

Release time:2018-6-5 19:04:12

Recently, XinghanIntelligent Technology (Africa) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “XinghanAfrica”) won the bid for the social security card project of the South AfricaSocial Security Bureau and signed a five-year supply contract with the issuingbank, the South African Postal Bank. This is one project of the largest numberof cards issued by Xinghan Africa in South Africa in recent years. It isestimated that there will be more than 50 million cards issued, and StarbucksAfrica will also become the mainstream supplier to the South African bank cardmarket. At present, the annual production capacity of Xinghan Africa Companyhas reached more than 30 million.



It is worth mentioning that the South African social security card issued byXinghan Africa Company has unique features. From a technical perspective, thesocial security card issued by the project not only has magnetic strips, chips,and non-contact traditional payment means, but also has fingerprint recognitioncapabilities. This is the first time in South Africa and even in Africa that ithas issued a fingerprint identification function. Bank card. The follow-up ofXinghan Africa will continue its deeper cooperation with South African PostalBanking Bank and local banks to provide them with more up-to-date paymenttechnology services.
The project was formally launched on February 16, 2018. At present, XinghanAfrica has provided more than 4 million social security cards for the project,which are successively exchanged to the social security beneficiaries in theregion through the South African Postal Bank. Since its establishment, XinghanIntelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has always taken high-tech as its core, withChinese manufacturing and Xinghan manufacturing as its goals, and taking thenational “One Belt and One Road” as its route, actively developing its globalbusiness model to respond quickly and solve difficult problems quickly.Customers solve problems and win customer trust. Xinghan Africa Company wasestablished on August 23, 2016, and is committed to introducing China'sadvanced smart payment and related technologies to Africa to help thedevelopment of comprehensive solutions for smart finance in Africa. Thesuccessful signing of the South Africa Social Security Card project of XinghanAfrica Company is another important achievement of the company under theguidance of the National Belt and Road Strategic Policy. Xinghan Africa willcontinue its efforts to escort the social security of African people withscience and technology and smart technology.